
Water mechanics

Emil 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 4

After blood, horses and other more important features, I think it would also be necessary to add some water mechanics, as currently its just as if the water wouldn't exist when you get in. 

These mechanics should include:

  • slower movement when in shallow water
  • dying when under water
  • water movement, when you touch it
  • evtl. ability to swim: toggle button to change from running mode to swimming mode, which costs a lot of stamina, depending on your armor.

would need some time, of course, but for immersions sake, it's really necessary!


And some goddamn sound mechanics for water! been asking about this for months!

Everything good, but you don't have stamina in game, so I guess it would just make you slower the more armor you have?

Yeah no stamina in game. That would ruin okam for me.

My suggestion wasn't stamina in general only when you're in water, but it doesn't need to be added ofc