
Create and updated road map

System-Zero 7 years ago updated by Of Kings And Men 7 years ago 2

Since the epic is no longer happening, what are the goals for full release and in what order are features going to be added? What can we expect when this game is finished?



There are occasional new major features being planned, since the game is still in Early Access, so it makes it a bit inconvenient to release a final roadmap, as it could limit development quite a bit. We'll release a roadmap, of course, but can't give an ETA yet.


Theres that preview roadmap they released like 4 or 5 months ago but a full roadmap never came, would like to see one, take my vote sir.


There are occasional new major features being planned, since the game is still in Early Access, so it makes it a bit inconvenient to release a final roadmap, as it could limit development quite a bit. We'll release a roadmap, of course, but can't give an ETA yet.