
Revert back to old conquest

Ouki 7 years ago updated by Wombacher 7 years ago 4

Right now the current conquest is barely played as it takes at least 50 players to be fun imo. The old conquest made things much more enjoyable as it created huge battles over 1 flag which changed about the map each round actually making use of the map. Then the death match round after the flag was taken was great fun, i think the fact no one wants to play it says a lot. 

I'd rather have working scaling and a fix for the buggy spawn points, old conquest was weird bc there was no connection between the stages.


Fair enough, maybe not a complete identical conquest to the old, but fighting over the 1 flag made the battles huge, spliting it up over different flags now lessens that. Maybe if the current conquest had those things you mentioned itd be more fun however the fundamental idea just isnt as fun.

Yeah, I think I enjoyed the old mode a bit more even if it wasn't as tactical. But it was fun to have big fights over one flag.

Tactical fights are in raids anyway.

I agree the old mode was more massiv! Wave after wave in combat no solo runnings trough the map to get the flags.