
Improved "Hold your Ground" --> "Take the Outpost!"

Siegbert 7 years ago updated by Of Kings And Men 7 years ago 3

"Hold your Ground" is pretty fun but it also gets a little boring as nothing changes other than the bots getting more buff. I think it would be more interesting if you could run a little like in the old Conquest mode.

Instead I would suggest a mode I'll call "Take the Outpost!":

You will spawn in a base with your player friends and you will set out to take a nearby outpost or village defended by bots.

They will run at you in waves and you need to kill 3 waves of bots spawning from this outpost in order to be able to take it.

After that you can move to the next outpost and fight of ever stronger enemies to take it. You can have up to 10 of those outposts on the map to make it interesting.

If you fail and all of your players die you will lose the latest outpost.



Sounds like a new mode instead of HYG improvements! We will do some changes for Hold Your Ground though, so it's more diverse and interesting, and also fixing some of the issues.

In short, bots will be divided into classes like "Peasant", "Tank", etc. Different waves will then have different classes and sometimes even bosses. There will also be a secondary objective for bots, so you won't be able to just sit under a bridge and hit them, since they would just go for their other objective.

We might think about more "arcade" modes like that though, since it allows for some fun instead of being super serious PvP. This suggestion sounds like fun, so will keep it to bring it up later.

Isn't better to fight with one wave before taking an outpost (spawn outside to not jam bots) and then fight with 3 waves (or more) with bots trying to take it back?

It would be one attack and 3 times defence.


Sounds like a new mode instead of HYG improvements! We will do some changes for Hold Your Ground though, so it's more diverse and interesting, and also fixing some of the issues.

In short, bots will be divided into classes like "Peasant", "Tank", etc. Different waves will then have different classes and sometimes even bosses. There will also be a secondary objective for bots, so you won't be able to just sit under a bridge and hit them, since they would just go for their other objective.

We might think about more "arcade" modes like that though, since it allows for some fun instead of being super serious PvP. This suggestion sounds like fun, so will keep it to bring it up later.