
Less headshot damage, more bodyshot damage

Lorenzo Vanutelli 7 years ago 0

Currently in game, wearing a full helmet such as a greathelm or padua helmet, will not be enough to protect you from a headshot ( i agree, lower tier helmets such as nasals etc should not survive a longbow headshot ) archers have to hunt for headshots in order to pull their weight in a match and make themselves noticed on the scoreboard, as an archer you don't get kills from body shots, it very rarely happes, best case scenario you flinch a guy in melee with a body shot and he gets killed by a team mate, we need more damage on body shots and less on headshots ( headshot would still be the best damage shot, don't get me wrong, a skilled archer should aim for a headshot when he's confident ) it's even more realistic - medieval archers were not hunting for headshots, they would settle for body shots .