
Remove backcapping

Ramses 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 4 1 duplicate

Backcapping makes worse battles generally, as they create paranoia for defenders with no good defense against them. Attackers are massively buffed by allowing backcapping, as they can easily disperse and capture almost all the flags. Large parts of the maps are unused as any kind of real defense is simply run past. Fighting viciously for points is discouraged whereas running is encouraged. 

Remove backcapping but allow multiple flags to be captureable (2 or 3). That should make the defense of every point relevant and fun while still allowing for tactical variation. 

Since this would effectively buff defenders, increasing the time limit by a few minutes might be a good idea. 



It was already discussed previously, but we'd need more data on this with big battles. Right now, all of them are very small, which makes players spread out quite a lot, so it's a very one sided data at the moment. Will be discussing it again later though.

Duplicates 1

It was already discussed previously, but we'd need more data on this with big battles. Right now, all of them are very small, which makes players spread out quite a lot, so it's a very one sided data at the moment. Will be discussing it again later though.


Even in big battles it is annoying, I experienced it at the trailer battle. It adds nothing of fun to the battle, and it’s really annoying for defenders.  It’s also unrealistic and counter intuitive (why do the defenders give up when someone raises a flag behind them?). It encourages attackers not to fight but to run away and cap somewhere else

In small battles it’s really bad and it’s a shame because the maps looks so intricate and interesting, but there’s no point in defending anything else but the last fort. If you removed backcapping every point would be fought over. 

You can still keep the tactical variety by always allowing at least two flags to be captureable. 

Sometimes, removing options from players allows for more variety and interesting gameplay, not less. 

This suggestions is getting a surge of new upvotes and multiple people on discord are suggesting it. Perhaps the solution is not to allow all points to be capable, but simply only the points connected to attackers points AND points immediatly following that. That might be too complicated though.