
Have shields drop not break

Drakei 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

It is sorta unrealistic with shields breaking for a few sword hits.  I purpose that the shield not break but fall to the ground.  Once the shield falls then one has to wait a few seconds til they can pick it up back up. Instead of the shield health bar it should just be the player's grip bar.   This way you can you can take away an enemies shield but if you don't press your advantage you will have to face it again!

If something like that was to be implemented, the shield would have to have some sort of permanent health bar to represent that it was actually taking some sort of damage from the hacking of weapons, but this might open up room for a role for axes to work like shieldbreakers instead of swords being the end-all-be-all. Implementing having each shield keeping track of two separate health bars (with one that regenerates I assume, which I'm not that much a fan of) might be a bit of a pain in ass.


Since with even a wooden shield it would take hours to smash.  I would opt that we don't require a permanent shield health bar.  Only a recovering shield grip bar.