
Important messages popping up in Militari

Siegbert 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Just a quick idea I had:

Whenever you enter Militari there should be important messages popping up on your screen or have a little letter symbol blinking so you can click on it to make them pop up.

Messages could be about your clan's fiefs, planned raids, letters from enemies, formal alliances and wars, new recruits etc. Just a few ideas of how it could look like:

I don't know, there's something missing there for me. The mechanic is fine, but for something like hostile troops marching on your fief, they wouldn't necessarily announce it to you so you can prepare for it in the future. You'd need a way for that to work. The other two are solid, a message sent to a player from the map itself is something we might be able to see from the future and recruitment messages are something that need to be tended to anyway.

We're still not considering a formal alliance mechanic or anything like that, are we? What kind of game would this be if we couldn't backstab each other and had to wait a week before attacking someone you broke a treaty with and turned on each other? This would make the current alliances even more static than they already are (at least in the EU, NA has like 4 clans split between two regions, so there is zero hope there for the time being).

Yeah, idk about the alliance thing either. Was just an idea to make something formal if both sides agree.

About the hostile troops marching thing though: there is no secrecy right now either. You schedule a battle and everybody can see it in the list and map.