
Changing How Flags Work in Raids?

Malecar 7 years ago updated by Siegbert 7 years ago 2

Essentially, the idea first came to me not only from the game RO2, but also the MMORTS Shattered Galaxy where people would fight over points on a map called POCs (the acronym for Point of Contention). For Shattered Galaxy's case, you needed to plant really beefy units on a small pad and capture it over a period of time. The following is mostly taken from the example of how Red Orchestra 2 worked.

Instead of having to rely on flag cappers in order to secure a point in a raid, the attacking team could capture a point by achieving its supremacy on a point by superior numbers. This system could work on behalf of the attackers even if the defenders vastly outnumber them if there's a respawn penalty that becomes harsher based on team balance - that penalty would encourage better usage of tickets in the battles and less waste by both sides depending on who's facing the respawn penalty.

How the point of contention would work is that once you enter a points "zone of influence" I guess, you can start to influence to which team that point will go; if you're on the defending team and you're sitting on A, nothing will happen if the point is fully secure. However, if there are 12 attackers on A but only 10 defenders, their influence will begin to slowly decrease - but only slowly, because they haven't fully asserted their supremacy against the defenders in that area. Back-capping also won't be as viable, since the more people you have on a point, the faster it takes to capture it.

With a system like this, it can do multiple things at once. It'll emphasize the objectives even more and slow down back-capping, which the community has taken an issue with. If people also play smarter with their tickets, this might open up room for more raids in the future if they have more leftovers to work with (like that one day we had nine on EU West, as exhausting as that was).

Well I wanted new conquest kinda capping instead of old conquest one because of archers for quite some time. Also it will decrease backcapping so thumbs up from me :)

I like it. Always enjoyed that part about RO2.

But I would simply make backcapping impossible... in RO2 iirc you could only conquer adjacent territories. Nothing wrong with that imho