
Troop gain should be capped

Siegbert 7 years ago updated by kaktus14 7 years ago 9

It's noticeable how often certain big clans with lots of fiefs are able to attack new fiefs. Basically every evening, every half an hour they can just throw their troops in to try to capture a new fief as they seemingly gain an innumerable amount of them.

Newer or less successful clans can't possibly compete with that.

I think troop gain should be capped after a certain amount of captured fiefs so that it becomes more equal for all clans.


Or make it more expensive to have bigger army, it would be pretty lame to cap the troops but if the cost of large army increases the clans would be forced to retire some of the troops or fight bigger battles in hope of losing troops.

Sure, that sounds good as well.


Well what do you expect when TKM basically owns the map. They need to defend against many clans. If there actually was some opposition it would be really hard to hold so many fiefs. Even harder to take them so far TKM took just neutral fiefs. I dont understand why you want penalize clans for being succesful. It will only force big clans to separate into 2 smaller ones.

Its not about penalizing clans for being successful, and YES it would be better if the big clan would get seperated in to two clans if looking the situation now in the game.. so your point was flawed.

Yeah but the big clans will get separated just because they dont want to be penalized for holding too many fiefs they will still play together. So basically nothing will change anyway. It will be only a nuisance for everybody.

I have to disagree, but what siegbert was suggesting does not have enough content to make bigger clans still worth the while. Like gearing a bigger army would be a much easier with more players in the clan, but this would starting to get a much more deeper system having a controlled area that would be taxed by the "alpha clan" and others would have to pay tributes using their area to trade stuff, and in that scenario would make sense not to split big clan to smaller clans (for not having to pay tribues or what ever).  (im kinda getting in the kingdoms discussion which has been talked on the discord on couple days)

So what im trying to say is that there are elements that can make bigger clans still worth while but not make it "lets all join one clan and live happily ever after" like it is now mostly.

What do you mean? Defending doesn't cost you any troops.

We will have garisoning feature for the next season. So defending will cost clans tickets.

Only problem is that there is not enough good clans that could unite and try to take the big one out. So far TKM was able to block any fiefs you tried to take while they took almost everything they atacked.