Welcome to the official Of Kings And Men feedback page

Please suggest one idea at a time, even if they're a part of the same suggestion


Autorun into different directions after certain actions

Siegbert 6 years ago 0

One of the bugs introduced with the latest big patch is the sudden autorun after having done something in the game. Like sometimes when you kill someone or after having blocked some attack I'll suddenly start walking in the direction last pressed and it doesn't stop until I pressed the respective button again. So, I'll start autorunning to the left until I hit "a" once and it stops.


More realistic damage with arrows and bolts

Drakei 7 years ago 0

Currently headshots are king for archery.  I think a good shot to the lungs or heart should be a 1 shot kill if a player is wearing chain or less.  That would be realistic.

Then for heavy armor,  crossbows should be able to pierce  in close considering if that was the case back in the day.    

It is my belief that these changes would make the game more dynamic and make range players more of a force to be reckoned with.


More options in Fight page

c47 7 years ago 0

Again its mostly an option for new players, but we need them a lot.

In Fight page put expandable menu with more options.

  • First (and default) option would Battle server (the one is running now). If there is no servers running it can auto-change and run Lobby (with pop-up after start that there is no battle) or ask in pop-up if it can do this or even with information when next server will start.
  • Second with Lobby. 

Both with description when mouse hovered above.

If you will make better server options (like Official servers running 24h or dedicated servers) there would be option to chose Conqest or Skirmish. You could even add option to go streight to HYG and so.

Image 16


Player/stat info API

clementk 7 years ago 0

hey there !

a little thing to do and it would be great for most of team, would be to have a little API who could by the steamID  read info on Player , like stats , how much troops they got , playing time ect , like it already exist on many other game it let us the possibility to use this kind of API on a website and get the information (make it much better for leader of a team to manage it by getting this kind of info)


On account of vary close ties on conquest, I say this feature should come back from the dead.

Peedeoo7 7 years ago updated by kaktus14 7 years ago 1

Remember how in old OKAM conquest where if you were about to win/lose a battle there would be a skirmish style last man standing and depending upon if the defenders won you (if you were those defenders) actually won after the standoff (it was per area, not whole scheme of things)?

Well what I'm suggesting if, lets say team B has 475 points and team A just got the magical 500 point threshold, on account that team B was away from victory by a set margin of points (I say 25 or so) that to determine if team A wins they must successfully hold off a additional "bonus" round, which is like skirmish of today. Only difference is that the flag is capable from the start. And the timer might run quicker.

Assuming the "losers" won, we could either hand them a hard bought victory, or do how it used to be done, declare it a draw.

Now this would be a uncommon event, but nether less it would be quite suspenseful for the ones involved.



Physical clues to a players stats

Drakei 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Example would be Player has really high damage therefor the player has maybe really big biceps.  For a high speed character buff thighs.   These would be for stats that are on the extreme.  This way player will be able to tell who's a heavy hitter before engagement


Force Field for RMB on shields for better protection

Siegbert 7 years ago 0

Using the RMB block function for shields is very unsafe atm. In order to make it more useful it should do a better job of protecting you. So I think it would be best to give it more of a force field like in M&B.


Graphic Overhaul: Tree models & bushes

Crixus 7 years ago 0

The grass ingame looks pretty stunning but the more worse the trees are looking. With modern technique like "Photogrammetrie" are much better results possible. Also there is no need to make it by yourself cause there are several vendors available who sell great tree model sets for a small amount of money


Less headshot damage, more bodyshot damage

Lorenzo Vanutelli 7 years ago 0

Currently in game, wearing a full helmet such as a greathelm or padua helmet, will not be enough to protect you from a headshot ( i agree, lower tier helmets such as nasals etc should not survive a longbow headshot ) archers have to hunt for headshots in order to pull their weight in a match and make themselves noticed on the scoreboard, as an archer you don't get kills from body shots, it very rarely happes, best case scenario you flinch a guy in melee with a body shot and he gets killed by a team mate, we need more damage on body shots and less on headshots ( headshot would still be the best damage shot, don't get me wrong, a skilled archer should aim for a headshot when he's confident ) it's even more realistic - medieval archers were not hunting for headshots, they would settle for body shots .


Bug: Cannot close chest reward overlay

Chralex 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

This video exhibits an issue where I cannot close the chest reward dialog.

I believe the following steps may reproduce the issue:
1. Fight in the arena, and gain a chest.
2. Try to open the chest, and hit escape before it can do anything.
3. Wait for a little while.
4. Open the clan window.
Now the issue should be apparent.

Workaround: Exit and relaunch the game.

Youtube video

Can I suggest a bug category named "UI" or "Interface"?


Can you consider haveing hazardous envirements areas/objects?

Peedeoo7 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

You know when your on a map and your fighting that there are some areas that you DON'T want to venture to, because of the risk of injury or death.

Let me just list a example as it will make more sense.

Spiked pits/general staked ground: placed in the map to benefit defenders. Here fall damage is greatly accelerated. Running hurts, and walking is preferred. may be found around gates, act as harassing terrain, exa. Use would be potentially to kick a person into there, and a counter to cavalry.

Bridges (with possibly no rails/safety precautions) and dangerous mountain roads next to vary steep, and obviously deadly, cliffs: These could be good choke points to add, and I'm sure having a 12v12 encounter where players can knock each other off cliffs would be enjoyable, or at least make players paranoid of falling. And no new coding!!!

Dangerous rivers: Could be as simple as a bridge over one of these roaring rapids could give players plenty to amuse themselves with. Find yourself kicked into rocky waters? prepare to ragdoll and be swept down the river. Would feel great to watch your opponent die like that. Seeing him bob and crack satisfyingly on rocks. Obviously late in development, but I feel would add great to the general environment.

Hot springs (maybe acidic at times) and geysers: Battles do not exclude natural wonders as there takeingplace. Battles are fought regardless the natural area is hostile to life, or does it worry to mar it. I'm thinking a slightly hilly rocky plain where several of these wonders are about dotting the landscape, with a few fences and small signs of human influence. Shame on the knight that falls into one of these boiling furnaces, while undoubtedly adding a surreal environment to a battleground will add variety, but it will also add wonder. Having a map where these are present with there neat colors and appearance of the waters should surely fascinate a few unfortunate souls. Obviously late development, but nether less, eye catching.

Flames: Fancy even walking through a flaming village is dangerous, but fighting among while it's all burning down? bad situation! Sure, they don't have to spread, but surely a villager, pinned by a fallen bean and hay, burning should send a clear message that yes, this place is under sedge, and second, maybe I should not touch that. Placing them on roofs and alongside general areas should do a lot to atmosphere, especially if they provide the lighting as the battle wages through the night.

Wildlife: Though I doubt we will be seeing many of these creatures on the battlefield, surely out and about in general peaceful areas could be a thing, especially in areas where players are free to explore the general map. I feel bears and wolves in the far reaches of the lobby would not be a bad thing.

General traps: Though I believe your going to add these to finished castle sedges, just a reminder here. Another note, maybe a hunter abandoned his trap in the woods when the soldiers appeared in the area?

Lava, or magma, maybe volcanic elements to maps: Though far fetched in implication, undoubtedly these do exist in our natural environment. So if you have free time and a imagination, I'm sure you can make a interesting encounter, area, or disaster zone. Lets say a actual 100v100 battle takes place, it might chose a vary peculiar map. Think of fighting next to a volcano in some ruins while brimstone is raining from the sky, epic isn't it? The sky is red and smells of ash, to the sides lava is slowly enclosing on our position, and as the gods will, me must prevail! Though I'll forgive you if you don't implement... but if you have free time.....

Sure there is more to comment or suggest about, but there is the general idea. I believe it should not always be the foe that you worry about....


Change game setting to 14th century

Lorenzo Vanutelli 7 years ago updated by Siegbert 7 years ago 1

13th century gives me medieval blue balls, it stops just before the cool stuff comes out.

Change OKAM setting to 14th century so we can have transitional plate armor, bec de corbins and all the cool knightly stuff.


sound clicks + ui bug fix

Mara 7 years ago 0

sound clicks for battle UI + fix having to double click on join battle + transition sounds that aren't the war drums for raids

Of Kings And Men 7 years ago

Some basic gambling like a minigame in the lobby would be possible, but not a brothel! We don't even have female characters, so not sure if everyone would like the idea...


Ticket system - Change the time at beginnig of battles

Godlike 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 0


If the Defenders keep all points in a battle (Military), they can still lose because of the more tickets by Attackers. Why should Defeders join this battle, if Attackers will win this game already by the ticketssystem, because they have so much more tickets as Defenders and it doesnt matter how many plp join as Defender anymore?

Also players can join Defenders, just to die and reduce the tickets of Defenders.

Reduce for the Attackers the battle time at the beginning. If the Attackers can't take any point at the beginning, they should lose the game because of less time and shouldnt have still the possiblity win this game because of their more tickets.

Also you should increase the time for Attackers, if they take a flag. Then the Attackers have still the same time to get O and win the game.